Monday, 15 August 2011



A girl trying to pick a sweet golden mango up high on a tree. She wanted the mango, so she get a ladder then climbs up to the mango tree, then took the hanging sweet golden mango and ate it. :)

That motivates me to be determined in all the things I want to achieve. I'm a type of girl, who lacks self confidence. If I want something, I can't go for it. All the negative thoughts runs through my head, and if that happens, it stops me in pursuing it.

It relates to every people who have been successful in life. They go for what they want to achieve.
In my life, I wanted to do a lot of things that serves as my achievements, my problem is, if  I couldn't go for one thing what I really want, then all other things I wanted to be or to achieve, won't definitely be fulfilled. That is why I'm being inspired by people who had been successful and never had a second thought to go for what they want. Confidence, with determination, hard work and perseverance would result to success.

1 comment:

  1. People are afraid of failing so they don't even try. So it's good that you are inspired to try your best. ;)
