Saturday, 23 July 2011


I love being Pinoy.
WHY? Its just simply because we have gained a lot of values that we should be proud of.

Filipinos are well known in the word:

HOSPITABLE. showing hospitality to others especially to the visitors, has been one of the old tradition and it still being part of us till now.

POLITENESS. Since we were young, our parents taught us to be polite, and respectful. We use the word "po" and "opo" as a respond to an older person.

HARD WORKER. Admit it, when we want something, we work hard for it. But when it comes in work and job, we Filipinos are hard worker, whether it is a physical labor tasks or highly professional job. "Patience" is one of the best word too.

HELPFUL. We care a lot, especially to our fellowmen. Even though we do not know that someone, or somebody, but if he/she needs help, the initiative of helping is one of our best value.


FAITH. Filipinos are one of the world's faithful man. Even though our country has  really a lot of crime problem, political issues, war and Philippines are not that a progressed country, our faith with God is strong. Many Filipino missionaries have gone spreading the word of God all over the world. Maybe because it is destined to Filipinos to spread our faith to them.That's why until now, many Filipinos have become successful in life, and that's because of our faith with God.Our faith has a big influence in other country.


1 comment:

  1. I don't know of any nation that has an equivalent word to "opo" or "po" to show respect. I think it's unique to Filipinos. ;)
